It is my mission to make yoga available to EVERY BODY and I created my unique Chair Yoga Flow over 14 years ago when I realized that the mat yoga I had been trained in was not available to everybody.
I have since taught thousands of Chair Yoga classes and trained hundreds of Chair Yoga teachers -and I love it!!!
Chair Yoga makes yoga accessible to everybody: people with limited mobility, senior citizens, as well as practitioners recovering from injuries or surgeries.
I also have mat students who choose to practice chair yoga, because they love the sense of PRESENCE of this practice, and the way it protects their back.
Chair yoga literally has got your back!
While seated on chairs, students can do versions of twists, hip stretches, forward bends and back bends. The chair replaces the yoga mat and becomes an extension of their body allowing them to work the joints and muscles to increase flexibility, strength, balance, circulation and well-being.
It goes beyond typical exercises in that it encourages quiet reflection, proper breathing and reduction of stress. The benefits of this practice are remarkable. Students report reduced blood pressure, faster recovery from injury or surgery, better posture, better sleep, increased strength and mobility and improved posture.