What is a Yin Traveler?
Someone who walks through life in a mindful, unhurried way.
My intention is to help you restore the Yin into your life and return to a balanced state of wellness and joy using these ancient tools:
Practices that will help you regain balance, strength and flexibility. I teach mindful Vinyasa classes and designed my popular Yin and Chair Yoga classes to allow everyone to experience the benefits of yoga asanas.
Pranayama is an important part of all my classes. Those breathing techniques will allow you to channel your life force and energy, calm you as well as enhance your life.
The sister science of yoga invites you become intimately and intuitively connected to your body and to restore balance into all the parts of your life. It is a life-changing way to take charge of your health. As an Ayurveda Wellness Coach and Health Counselor, I thread those tools into all my teachings and my goal is to share all I have learned to help you live in wellness and joy.
Boulder, Colorado
To reduce stress and worries, improve concentration and sense of peace, and prepare you for everyday life.
Teaching Meditation in a simple practical way is my mission. Check out my many free meditation offerings.
Dancing with Joy at the Taj Mahal,Agra, India
Profound reflections and inspirations that will motivate you and assist you on your soul journey. Check my blog and sign up for my newsletter to receive inspirational messages.
My 500-hour Rolf Gates Vinyasa Teacher training: the day I introduced my friends-the monks who taught me meditation-to my wonderful fellow yogis.
Making new friends in Giza, Egypt
Together, we are creating a community of Yin Travelers who will help heal our world, through mentoring, service, support and Sacred Activism.
Yoga With A French Twist:
A journey through the Chakras
I have written all my life but this is my first published book.
Yoga with a French Twist offers a powerfully authentic account of how the chakras are woven into the stories of your life, and how this awareness can help you make peace with your past, deal with challenges and realign yourself with your life's purpose.
I am a Yin traveler, in the world and on my yoga mat,
Savoring each step, each pose and each breath,
Gathering experiences,
Seeing each tree, each blade of grass,
The smiling face in the midst of the crowd
And the gift of each present moment.
As the wise woman said, its about the journey, not the destination.
I invite you to join me on my Yin travels,
See the details,
Hear the single note that transforms music into a symphony,
Go on unbelievable journeys that will transform your life.
In this world of doing, you will learn to just be
A Yin traveler.